Jake’s 23rd Birthday (on a budget)

Hello Everyone! Happy Tuesday! Today’s blog post is about my man’s 23rd birthday and how I did it on a very tight budget. Unfortunately not every year can be a splurge year but that is ok! What matters most is the effort and thought behind the gift giving.

I had a pretty tight budget of about $20 for the gifts and overall I ended up spending about $40 which included the ingredients for the cake and the dinner I made him. Everything that I didn’t buy I handmade which included his card and coupon book and the cake and birthday banner.

This is the little set up I did for him with his gifts and cake 🙂


I went to  Dollar Tree for all the candy, the Cokes and the streamers, I ended up spending about $8 dollars there. I got all the food ingredients at Walmart including the birthday candles and that added up to be about $20. Last but not least I went to the good old ABC store for the Jameson whiskey and I got 3 mini bottle at $2.75 each which added up to be about $9.  Running total about $40.

I had a lot of the craft supplies already that I used to make all the decorations & the coupon book so that saved me a lot of money. I highly encourage using things you already have to create new things, as Tim Gunn would say “Make it work.”

Pictured below is the birthday banner and the cake banner I made.


For the birthday cake I kept it simple using a yummy go to boxed mix and pre-made icing.

For dinner I made some homemade beef & broccoli and fried rice. You can find the beef and broccoli recipe Here. It was delicious!! For the fried rice I picked up a fried rice seasoning packet in the international food isle and I just followed the recipe on the back of that.



Everything was a big hit with Jake and I was so thrilled! He loved his card, his gifts, the food, the decorations, and the cake!

Here are so more photos of the whole set up 🙂


I hope this post might help some of you in the future if you’re a little tight on money or just trying to save some. Remember when it comes to gift giving thought and effort are the most important, not price!

Happy Birthday again Jake! I love you and was so glad you had a wonderful day! ❤



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